Talal Jawaid
Licensed Realtor
Born and raised in NYC, my love and attachment to this city is deep rooted and anyone looking
to make, not just a home but a life in NYC has made an excellent decision and I would love to
help them through the process.
After earning my finance degree from CUNY Queens College, I went straight into the field of
finance to hone the skills I learned and eventually transfer that experience into real estate as I
knew I could be of more service. With various classes taken in public speaking and marketing
techniques has equipped me with the skills that I use daily in real estate negotiations, educating
homebuyers and sellers, and effectively marketing the teams listings.
I understand for some that buying and or selling a home can be a frustrating process but my
belief in seizing the day with a fun loving personality along with discipline, the process can be as
smooth as we can make it. Contact me anytime to start your journey in making a home and life
in NYC.